Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cowboy Up!

If you read my last post, I talked about the Genoa Cowboy and Music Festival briefly.  It was three days of art, music, food, poetry, workshops and fabulous weather to crown the first annual event.  Ron and I worked our respective shops for the duration of the weekend and weren't able to participate or view alot of the events, but there was a kickoff party held all over town so we got a good feel for what was happening then.  We met scores of interesting and talented people, our shops were packed for the duration, I don't know if the town made any money but I would call the event a smashing success.  No bar room fights, though the potential was certainly there with the influx of Cowboys, Indians, Bikers and whiskey.  I shot some pics of some of the interesting faces about town when I could.  This event kicked off Thursday afternoon, went through day and night of Friday and Saturday....ended with Cowboy Church (!) and a pancake breakfast at the Masonic Hall....My sorry little batch of pictures doesn't even begin to touch what was going on....re-enacted gunfights in the middle of town while volunteers zip around in golf carts.  It was a very carnival like atmosphere, but truly different than the huge Arts and Crafts Fair we have every year.
Having a town full of interested, informed, zealous folk who love history, the old west, expressing themselves via their craft - be it sculpture, paint, textiles, jewelry, saving wild horses, leather tooling, re-enacting, music, poetry....was refreshing, invigorating, and sales weren't bad either! 

Simple pleasures, having your own picture taken with an adorable pony.  I wish I had gotten pictures of the blacksmith, the Indians weaving, beading and dancing, the wool spinners, there was so much going on and I had to miss much of it.  Next year, I'll get someone else to mind the store.


  1. fun AND prosperous. huzzah for you!

  2. Looks like you had just a wonderful time and what a beautiful shop you have as well. I am sure all enjoyed it immensely!

  3. I will come and watch the shop for you next year!
    Looks like a lot of fun...

  4. One of these days, I'm coming out there to visit!

    You can lead me around town on the pony and introduce me to cowboys!

  5. This looks like such a wonderful event! I wish there was a festival like this in my part of the country!
